Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Travel Company

Well, I know that the blog is not always updated, since there are lotsa travelling things that I need to finish first, but alright, I’ll start blogging again…

2008 is a year of local travel for me, travelling from places to places seemed never ending. And I started the idea of having a travel agency which is actually running now. I never thought it will work that way. It is not easy, but then again, a lot of hard work, presence of mind and quality (again) must be implemented on every aspects of it.

I started a new blog, with which I am still to configure and learn the how-to’s which caters all the travelling needs. I started with the Sagada Tour. I had a partner then, but never participated on everything. Well, that’s life. He didn’t even realize how it will change both of our lives in the future ;)

Moving on, I continued what I started, and with hard work and a lot of researches, I signed up 10 people to start my Sagada Tour

..yeah, this includes sacrifices. I won’t be in Manila for All Saint’s Day cuz I’ll be up north. Whew, I can’t wait.

For travelling needs go HERE .

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